martes, 17 de diciembre de 2019

Berlioz Les troyens Davis 1969

CD.1º FLAC.     Cd.1º Mp3.
CD.2º FLAC.     Cd.2º Mp3.
CD.3º FLAC.     Cd.3º Mp3.
CD.4º FLAC.     Cd.4º Mp3.

2 comentarios:

  1. Thank you for all the wonderful music. However, I have a slight problem. I find that i have some downloaded folders that have no information. I am having trouble figuring out what they are.
    i.e. BEVE (Wagner soprano arias)
    Is there a key to the coding? Sometimes I can crack them but sometimes I cant. I know this isn't Beverly Sills.

  2. Siempre tienes información al descargar el enlace 1 y abrirlo.Saludos.Guillermo.
