sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2019

Cebotari Maria Soprano 1932-1948

CD. FLAC.     Cd. Mp3.

2 comentarios:

  1. This is a great upload, I adore Cebotari.
    However, in the No. 14 track, the aria "Es gibt in Reich", the greatest and most legendary of all her recordings, I hear a very serious mistake that destroys its perfection.
    The phrase "mit seinem Stab regiert er die Seelen..." in minute 01:30 is suddenly repeated a second time in 02:07, breaking up the music. Can such a mistake be in the original CD? Can it be corrected?

    1. El cd es el original de la casa Hänssler y está así grabado.Saludos.Guillemo.
