miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Cherubini Medea Callas 1961


3 comentarios:

  1. Hello!

    I have found this blog recently. Thank you very much: This is a paradise for anyone intereted in the history of singing record.
    I have remarked that the CDs are given in different quality: the older posts have mp3 with low (128 kbps) or middle quality (192 kbps), the latest ones have flac. I prefer flac files with maximum quality. My question therefore: Will you re-upload the older posts in flac quality in the future? That would be great!

  2. Mándame tú corrreo a : guillermovidegain@hotmail.com
    Gracias por el comentario sobre el blog.Guillermo.

  3. QUe felicidade tive ao encontrar esta gravação! Muito obrigado, Campesino!
