martes, 1 de julio de 2014

Album Collection (1969-1989) - Placido Domingo

4 comentarios:

  1. Hola, qué tal... ¿por casualidad no tienes "Diva" de Danielle de Niese? Gracias

  2. Thanks a lot for this. Listening to a young Domingo singing Haendel..that's weird! (But there's a lot of very good stuff too). Thanks once again.

  3. is there a way to have an alternate in mega or another download site? This Czech site is pausing the download close to the end and not resuming it. I have tried 5 times and no luck.

    Seria posible tener una alternativo en mega u otro sitio? El sitio checo pausa el download y no lo termina. he intentado ya 5 veces y sin suerte
